Many raised their hands and I was one among them. She asked us to name the fishes one by one.
It was my turn and as I had many Guppies in my pond I told her that I had “Guppies”.
As she was teaching about “Gobi es”, the smallest fish in the world, she mistook it as “
Later on, she asked the one who said “
But she remembered that I was the one and asked me to stand up and tell her its length. I kept quiet for a while and she showed me her finger and asked me if it was the length. I just said “yes” and took my seat!
I can never forget this funny experience even if I want to. There was no embarrassment here as I was the only one who knew what I had said!
hehe....good one!! I'm sure such things happen in school life!! It's incredible you remember them! Sure was funny!